Embodying Your Worth: How to be a Woman Business Owner that Shines This Year.Are you familiar with the concept of picking your word for the year? I’m not talking about resolutions, but rather a word that you want...
How Can Pocket Coaching Help Overwhelmed Entrepreneurs Overcome Isolation and Grow Their Business?I will be the first to tell you that being an entrepreneur and owning your own business can be one of the most rewarding and challenging...
Maximizing Your Business Revenue: 4 Simple Steps to Start Now.It's time for us to stop feeling guilty about wanting more money and start working toward the best kind of growth: financial growth.
4 Key Strategies for Making Confident and Smart Business DecisionsAre you caught up in the pros & cons and "what ifs" of all the business decisions you face? Here are 4 strategies to make great decisions.
4 Simple Things You Can Do Right Now to Successfully Close Out the Business Year.December is here which means that, ready or not, we’re down to the final 4 weeks in the calendar business year. When I ask most of my...
7 Vital Insights for Women Entrepreneurs: Business Lessons from my Entrepreneurial Journey.Reflecting on my experiences, I'm sharing 7 insights that I wish I had known when I was building my business for the first time around.
Keeping Resentment Out of Your Business is the Key to Longevity.Here are 4 simple questions to ask yourself regularly!
Preparing Your Business for the Next Quarter: Are You Ready?Follow these 8 simple steps to set yourself up for great success next quarter!
Understanding the Difference Between the Entrepreneur Types - Planner and a Dreamer. Which One Are You?If you find yourself continuously "winging it", it may be time to lean into these planning tips!